Why Does Allah Test Us

There are a number of reasons why God allows hardship and adversity in our lives. Even the genuine believers experience hardship and adversity at some stage in their lives. It is important that we remember that every test, every trial is all a part of His plan. At times it can feel like we are doing everything that we can to be the best Muslims that we can be and yet it feels as if we are being punished. We then begin to feel as if we are not doing something right in our lives. But what?
1- Test of Faith

It is Allah’s design to put us all through hardship and adversity so as to test their faith and their resolve and trust in Him.
“Do the people think that they will be left to say” We believe without being out to the test?” (Quran 29:2)
We have tested those before them, for Allah must distinguish those who are truthful, and He must expose the liars. (29:3)
We will surely test you through some fear, hunger , and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give good news to the steadfast. (2:155)
To pass the test, we must trust that only Allah swt can relieve our hardship. We must pray and call unto Him:
“ Who is the One who rescues those who become desperate and call upon Him, relieves adversity, and makes you inheritors of the earth? Is it another god with God? Really do you take heed? (27:62)
2- Cleansing our Soul

Hardship and adversity is decreed by Allah swt as a cleansing of our souls from sins we have already committed. As a result, some of the bad things that happen to us are a direct result of sins we have committed:
Anything bad that happens to you is a consequence of your own deeds, and He looks over many ( of your sins) (42:30)
The concept of cleansing us from our sins in this life is a Quranic truth. It can be achieved through the experiencing of hardship and adversity (as 42:30) For me this can be a hard pill to swallow at times. Although I am aware of the many sins that I myself have committed throughout my life, to think that even though I have completely turned my life around and doing my very best to live a life that pleases Him, I could still be paying for things that I did years ago. I have to remind myself that the adversities are all in accordance with His wisdom and plan.
3- Gratefulness

Suffering through hardship and adversity is a reminder for those of us who tend to take things for granted and forget all of God’s blessings. Despite all the blessings given to us by Allah swt, we can many times be unappreciative. This is me many times. While my husband is the one who is always reminding me to count my blessings, I am usually the one who always seems to find something to complain about.So many times we need that reminder, and it may come in the form of hardship and adversity. Hopefully these kinds of reminders will help us to be grateful for all of the blessings that He does bestow on us every day.
“ If you can not count Allah’s blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative. (14:34)
When we bless the human being, he turns away, and drifts farther and farther away, and when he suffers any affliction, he implores loudly. (41:51)
This is true for many of us. When things are going great many of us forget His presence. We get a little relaxed on our praise for Him. However, when things seem to be falling apart around us, we cry out loud for Him asking why?
4- Remembering Allah (swt)

Adversity and hardship is also a very effective reminder for those of us who are way too absorbed in the worldly life, and thus we may not be as devoted to Allah swt as we should be. Due to our being too preoccupied with this worldly life we do not seek God nor call on God as we should:
He is the One who moves you across the sea and land. You get onto the ships and they sail smoothly in a nice breeze. the n while rejoicing therein, violent wind blows, and the waves surround them from every side. This is when they implore God, sincerely devoting their prayers to Him alone: If you only save us this time, we will be eternally appreciative. (10:22)
But as soon as He saves them, they transgress on earth, and oppose the truth. O people your transgression is only to the detriment of your own souls. You remain preoccupied with this worldly life, then to us is your ultimate return, then we inform you of everything that you have done. (10:23)
I have certainly found myself in this position. Crying out when there is a dire need and then forgetting all about it when there isn’t. But, we are always in need of Him. His mercy, forgiveness, love, compassion, protection, and so much more. We should be aware of His presence every day not only when we are struggling or suffering. We should thank Him every day for all that we have. Acknowledging our blessings that He bestows upon us daily will help us to become more grateful for all that we have. Reminding ourselves of His presence and goodness in our lives, not only helps us to be more grateful, but it brings peace to our hearts like nothing else can.
5- Allah’s Power and Authority

Many people are either oblivious of, or need to be reminded of God’s absolute authority. Hardship and adversity are one way to remind us that no one can save us but Him, and also remind us of God’s absolute authority. We also need to be reminded that we need God in every minute of our lives. Sadly when God relieves the adversity, many of us return to idol worship once again. We forget how He pulled us out of said hardship and made things right again.
O people, you are the ones who need God, while God is in no need for anyone, the Most Praiseworthy (35:15)
If the human is touched by adversity, he implores us, but as soon as we bestow a blessing upon him, he says, “ I attained this because of my cleverness!” Indeed this is only a test, but most of them do not know. (39:49)
I’ve mentioned before that in the beginning of my journey to Islam, a good friend said to me, “ Allah tests those that He loves the most.” I remember during that time, my family was getting hit with just about every adversity you can think of. Job loss, sickness, it was coming at us from every direction it seemed like. All that I was thinking during that time was that perhaps I was doing something wrong. Maybe everyone was right and I needed to make a complete u turn and go back to what I knew. How else could this be explained? Why were all of these things happening? Especially when I was doing the right thing, right? Regardless of what I was thinking at that time, my heart would not allow me to turn back. I pushed forward, trusting that He was in control and that everything would be just fine. One of the hardest things for me was to have complete and total faith in Allah azzajawal, when everything felt like it was going south. Little did I know all of the great things that He was preparing us for. He was making me stronger. Alhamdulillah.
May we all remain faithful and aware of His presence and all of His blessings. Ammen
Sister Rebecca is a SAHM living in Houston Texas. Married for 13 years with two children, and a revert since 2014, her hobbies include cooking, reading, and spending time with family.