Ramadan and Non-Muslims

Ramadan and Non-Muslims

Whether it be family, for many reverts, coworkers, friends, or neighbors, chances are we spend a good portion of our day around Non- Muslims. Many times these people will have a million and one questions, but sometimes are afraid to ask. Maybe they are embarrassed, or simply don’t know how or what to ask. Educating our Non- Muslim friends not only creates a positive environment that promotes unity, but it also provides an opportunity for us to break the shell of misconceptions and help shed the light on the beauty of Islam. For Muslims living in the West, there is a greater need to showcase Ramadan – not just as the month of fast, but as the month of inspiration, the revelation of the Quran, the spreading of the Message, the solidifying of the prayer, and the general remembrance of worship that upgrades us throughout the year.

Sharing the Joy of Ramadan

Ideally, being a good Muslim should be one that takes place throughout the 12 months of the year, and not just punctuated during Ramadan, since Muslims should be cohesively celebrative in society, without having to compromise their beliefs and principles, and to constantly be a driving force of good values. But even if we feel we have done our best, we can always do better. So, with a couple of weeks left of  Ramadan, here are a few steps that we can take towards sharing the joy of the Holy Month with non-Muslim neighbors, friends, colleagues, and InshaAllah, society as a whole.

Start with Du’a and Intentions that are pleasing to Allah

You can’t go wrong with du’a and the best of intentions. Sharing something we love is inherent in our religion. Make sincere du’a that Allah puts blessings in our endeavors in spreading the joy of the 9th Lunar Month, and for our own personal betterment with Allah. After all, it is said that whoever pleases Allah at the risk of displeasing the people, Allah will be pleased with him or her, (and that is enough of a reward for the believer), but Allah will also make the people be pleased with that person. What better way to start spreading love and care to others especially during the month where the gates of Jannah (Paradise) are the most welcoming.

Look For Opportunities in your community

If you’re already active in your local community (community centers, library, a multi-faith agency, or local college or university), look for ways you can “represent” Ramadan, perhaps through volunteer work or simply reaching out. Many communities in the West that are diverse in nature tend to have seasonal celebrations of multi-faiths and cultures. If there is an opportunity to showcase Islam, step up as a volunteer. Sometimes, just doing a Ramadan craft with children is enough to introduce Ramadan to young families. It only really takes a little pique of interest to start inquisitive minds on a discovery reel of a new religion. Other forms of community work could include working with organizations that fund Muslim and non-Muslim charities to collaborate in charitable efforts collectively. Here in Houston we have several organizations. The one that I am familiar with feeds the homeless every Thursday night.  If you can get in touch with a reputable Muslim organization that (preferably), has already made inroads with the non-Muslim community, this would be great training grounds on how to approach the non-Muslim community. Giving out gifts prior to Ramadan, pamphlets, invitations to iftar, copies of the Quran translated into the local language, have all been means in spreading the love of Islam.

Reach out to the Closest Non-Muslims

Prophet Muhammad harbored great amounts of compassion for neighbors, and did not discriminate between his Muslim neighbors and non-Muslim neighbors. He spoke to them regularly and exchanged gifts with them, shared meals, and spoke openly about our beliefs.

Our best advocates as Muslims living in the West are our non-Muslim neighbors and friends, if adversities break out, and Muslims fall prey to the misconceptions of Islam. Make an effort to speak to neighbors at the onset of Ramadan, send invitations to share iftar meals, or simple gifts representing the meaning of Ramadan.

Every year my kids and I make these Ramadan mason jars filled with dates and sometimes nuts. Our first year living in this neighborhood, being the only Muslim family, we decided to show our neighbors a little bit of who we are. It was our way of extending ourselves to our neighbors by not only giving them a little gift, but also letting them know that if they needed anything that we were there to help. This was also our way of opening that door of communication. I feel like it let them know that if they ever did have any questions, we were more than willing to answer any. 

Utilize the Internet

What better way to spread our love for Ramadan than to encourage a complete change in mindset that eliminates the “us vs. them” mentality?

It goes without saying that Muslims will often fall victim to the aggression, intolerance, and bias of the media. The truth is, media propaganda and hate-campaigns have been around since the times of the Prophets. In particular, Moses had to deal with a defamatory campaign, launched by the Pharaoh of Egypt, while all Moses had was himself, his brother, his staff, and a handful of followers amongst the oppressed community of Bani Israel.

Prophet Muhammad ( saw) had to deal with the smear campaigns by the likes of Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl, two of the most eloquent and powerful men of Arabia during their time. 

Hate spreads like wildfire, and it is only by the overwhelming Mercy of Allah that each Messenger “survives” the torture, even if it didn’t seem like it. At least we know that the ummah of Muhammad saw the religion through, so much so, that it has lasted until this very day.

The ummah today faces its own challenges, including a loud minority of Muslims who unfortunately peruse personal and political interests in the name of Islam, causing a lot of harm upon Muslims who only want to live in harmony in this world and the next. Unfortunately these few get magnified by the media.

Regardless of these challenges, it is important that Muslims remain united and not fall into despair. Allah changes the condition of those who strive to make changes for themselves. And what better way to work towards those changes, with just a couple of weeks left of Ramadan – it’s all in the blessings of the Holy Month.

May Allah (swt) continue to bless us, make us strong, and bring our communities together InshaAllah. Ameen

Sister Rebecca is a SAHM living in Houston Texas. Married for 13 years with two children, and a revert since 2014,  her hobbies include cooking, reading, and spending time with family.