5 Budget-Friendly Ways to Prep Your Home for Your Wedding Day

5 Budget-Friendly Ways to Prep Your Home for Your Wedding Day

If you’re hosting any wedding events at your home or letting some of your guests spend the night, you might be nervous about guaranteeing that the space looks perfect for the big day. Whether you’re holding a welcome party at your house, having a backyard wedding, or inviting your future in-laws to stay in the guest room, you’ll need to prepare your home without breaking the bank. Today, I share some suggestions to help you track your home renovations, create cute photo collages for decor, and clean up your home to get ready for hosting.

Document Any Major Changes

If you need to tackle any big home renovation projects before your wedding day, don’t forget to document the proof! Furthermore, consider which projects could provide a return on investment in the long run if you decide to sell your home. Whether you’re tackling these projects with a DIY approach or you’ve hired contractors to renovate your house, make sure to take before and after photos to illustrate the improvements you’ve made for future buyers. You can also hold on to receipts to keep track of the costs.

Deep Clean First

Deep cleaning your home before any guests arrive is essential, and you don’t have to hire a professional to get it done. Instead, save money by cleaning on your own! Budget Dumpster recommends going room by room and paying special attention to your kitchen, bathrooms, and guest room.

Hosting Your Wedding at Home

If you’re getting married at home, you’ll want to look for a tent rental company with reasonable prices to set up your backyard, use decor you already own or borrow from your family and friends when possible, and cover basic folding tables with nice tablecloths to save money. The Budget Savvy Bride also states that you’ll need to start setting up very early in the day since you’re essentially building your venue from scratch. Enlisting your loved ones to help out is a good idea!

Throwing a Welcome Party

If you have lots of guests from out of town who are coming to your wedding, you may be planning to throw a welcome party at your house to greet them. Take the time to curate some memorable details. For example, you could assemble photo collages of you and your future spouse. Try different photo combinations to see what looks best! You can use a personalized college template to explore creative possibilities.


Accommodating Overnight Guests


Maybe some of your close friends or relatives will be sleeping at your house on the night of your wedding. Naturally, you’ll want to make sure that they feel comfortable. Put out fresh bedding in the guest room, stock up on travel-size toiletries for their convenience, and make sure to leave out a note with your Wi-Fi password clearly displayed. With all of these details taken care of, your guests will be able to fully relax!

If you’re having guests stay at a hotel or other accommodations, you should still ensure that your house is ready for the next day. Keep some snacks in your pantry and fridge so that you don’t need to cook when you’re exhausted!

Weddings are stressful enough, especially when you’re holding certain events at your home. But you can make your guests feel comfortable on a budget! With these tips, you can tackle everything from creating homemade photo collages to photographing any big home renovations.

Author: Diane Harrison

Diane is the founder of Health PSA. Diane decided to create Health PSA after seeing how many people came into the library seeking more info on health and specific medical conditions. She thought it would be great to create a resource for people where they can find easy-to-understand info rather than medical jargon. View all posts by Diane Harrison


Amirazz is here to create a secure online community for Muslims to help manage the needs and goals of marriage. Call 1-807-358-1820.

Photo via Unsplash

Tips for Easing Anxiety and Preventing Anxiety Attacks

Photo via Pexels

If you struggle with anxiety, you’re not alone. Most of us experience some anxiety during stressful events, like speaking in front of a group or driving in heavy traffic. Today, Amirazz Matrimonial Services offers some tips on recognizing and managing anxiety to keep it from holding you back.

Unlike panic attacks which occur suddenly and trigger extreme physical symptoms like chest pain, anxiety attacks tend to build gradually over a period of excessive worry. Verywell Mind explains that when anticipatory anxiety builds until it reaches an overwhelming level of stress, it may feel like an attack. During an anxiety attack, you may experience difficulty concentrating, restlessness, irritability, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, increased heart rate, and muscle tension.

Generally, these symptoms are less intense than those associated with panic attacks, but they are similarly debilitating and difficult to control. What’s more, the symptoms of anxiety can persist for days, weeks, or even longer. Thankfully, there are a number of things you can do to ease persistent anxiety and cope with your symptoms.


Work to Reframe Your Anxiety

Many people with anxiety disorders see anxiety as a lifelong, uncontrollable illness that’s impossible to manage. Changing how you think about anxiety can empower you to take charge instead of feeling powerless. Reframing your experience with anxiety can lead to personal growth. Accept anxiety as a normal experience instead of shaming yourself for feeling this way.

In the process of reframing your anxiety, you might discover opportunities to cut unproductive stress out of your life. For example, if your job is causing a lot of unnecessary stress, consider going back to school for a career change! Earning an online degree in IT, business management, or marketing can open up several new career paths. Learning online will make it much easier to juggle your life while you work towards your career change.

Learn Techniques to Calm Your Stress Response

Managing anxiety is a daily practice. Make daily choices that regulate your nervous system, retraining your brain to react calmly to different situations instead of defaulting to a state of fight or flight. Keep some relaxation techniques in your back pocket to calm your stress response when you feel on the brink of an anxiety attack. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and mindfulness meditation can all effectively reduce anxiety in just a few minutes. You can also greatly facilitate an improved stress response by optimizing your home of wellness – that is, focus on positive thinking, as free of self-doubt and negativity as possible.


Exercise Every Day

Countless studies have shown that exercise helps to relieve anxiety. According to ADAA, aerobic exercise is particularly beneficial for decreasing overall levels of tension and stimulating anti-anxiety effects throughout the body. In fact, exercise works incredibly quickly to relieve anxiety. A 10-minute walk can be just as effective as a 45-minute sweat session!

Make Time for Moments of Slowness

Slowing down can also help you tap into your body’s relaxation response. Your brain is bound to run a mile a minute when you’re rushing around trying to check off everything on your to-do list. Instead, try to slow down and pay attention to the moment. Be present, disconnect, and do less. Pick up a hobby or two that helps you slow down and move more mindfully. Yoga, meditation, hiking, gardening, reading, or cooking can all serve as fantastic mindfulness practices.

Anxiety is one of the most debilitating mental health issues. But because it’s so common, many of us assume there’s no way to treat it or improve how we feel. Easing anxiety and preventing anxiety attacks is possible! Just like a regular yoga practice can loosen your muscles, a regular mental health practice can train your mind to relax.

About the Author: Diane is the founder of Health PSA. Diane decided to create Health PSA after seeing how many people came into the library seeking more info on health and specific medical conditions. She thought it would be great to create a resource for people where they can find easy-to-understand info rather than medical jargon.

Amirazz Matrimonial Services supports the Muslim community worldwide by creating a secure and safe online community and supportive environment that manages the needs and marriage goals of our sisters and brothers. Call 807-358-1820.